Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Encouragement for Imperfect Parents

It is so easy to build up idealized views of parenting, wanting things to be all hunky dory like in the Anne books or others.  Then, when reality hits, like as soon as your first child is born, where do you go?  It's easy to become discouraged that things aren't working right, that this isn't the way it's supposed to be, and to worry that your children are doomed to have you as a parent.  To that end, here is a post I read this morning that reminded me of what is true and where my hope lies. 

I remember awaiting the arrival of our first child. I had plans for the type of dad I would be, the type of child he would be, and what our relationship would look like. I had faith for it…I had confidence in it. …then he was born!  Read the rest here. 

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