Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Book Recommendations: Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow

This book was one recommended to me 12 years ago when Matt and I were ready to be married in a few months.  It is one that I return to again and again every few years to "brush up" on what it means to be a godly woman and wife and to take inventory on how I am doing and where I need to grow.  Linda Dillow addresses what a woman's role really is to be and who we are created to be in Christ.

She defines a "creative counterpart" as
"...more than just a helper.  She is a woman who, having chosen (or having found herself in) the vocation of wife and mother, decides to learn and grow in all the areas of this role and to work as hard as if she were aiming for the presidency of a corporation.  Functioning as a professional in all areas of marriage is the essence of being a creative counterpart." (15, Nelson Publishers 1986)
She then goes on to describe how we can press on to function as a professional in all of these areas, including the areas of our relationship with God as primary, then secondarily as a wife to our husbands.  Dillow addresses common concerns and struggles that we, as women, face and goes on to exhort us to love our husbands while giving practical examples and applications.

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