Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is It OK for Mothers to Work Full-time Outside of the Home?

Here is an interview with John Piper, who was asked "Is it OK for mothers to work full-time outside of the home?"  Notwithstanding that there are always extreme circumstances, I encourage women to consider the blessing and great calling they have to motherhood and homemaking!  It is definitely the most fulfilling vocation I have ever had, using and developing all of my gifts and abilities to the extreme!  Everything I learned or developed in school or jobs is now put to the ultimate test! 
Having said it can be, I want to discourage it because mothering and homemaking are huge and glorious jobs. What children need at age one, five, six, fourteen, eighteen is simply amazing, and so is what those needs call forth from a woman's creativity and heart and mind, personally for each one of these little ones that are coming along.  Read the entire interview answer here. 

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